Kid's Christmas Wish List

  • Caleb - Baseball Cap, Elmo/Curious George DVDs, 8.5 XW tennis shoes, Graco Nautilus carseat
  • Carly - 12 month onesies/basic shirts, black Mary Jane shoes (6-12month), Britax Marathon car seat cover
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Caleb's black eye -- PRE surgery...

Caleb's souvenier from his head-first tumble off the couch.. this was the same day he climbed/fell/jumped/we'renotsure out of his crib. Something in his brain must have clicked over the weekend, telling him "must climb everything, must do it recklessly." crazy crazy!

There has been a lot progress in his big boy bed since then. He has slept two nights, pretty much through the night. Once he fell out of the bed and got stuck between the fooot of the bed and the dresser and freaked out a bit (who wouldn't?) and he got up at 6:30 this morning so Greg had to go tell him to go back to sleep. He did until about 7:10 too. It has helped that this time we put the baby gate up in the doorway so he can't get out of his room. At least we know we won't find him in the living room watching TV at 5:30 am (that actually happened the first time we tried the BBBed.)

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