Kid's Christmas Wish List

  • Caleb - Baseball Cap, Elmo/Curious George DVDs, 8.5 XW tennis shoes, Graco Nautilus carseat
  • Carly - 12 month onesies/basic shirts, black Mary Jane shoes (6-12month), Britax Marathon car seat cover
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Baby Update

Doctor appointment today went well. According to them, I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow, which is full term. I told them I don't want to be induced at all unless medically necessary, and she said she would let me go until 41 weeks, and then she induces no matter what. There's no way I'll make it that far though. Things are progressing already, and she even went as far as to tell me to take it easy this weekend because she's not on call and wants to be able to deliver my baby when she gets back on call.. I told her I'm not interested in having a baby this weekend since Greg is gone hunting and can't really answer his phone to come rushing home! She can just stay in until at least Saturday night when Greg gets home.

Since I'm not officially at 37 weeks yet, she said I am "threatened preterm labor" until tomorrow when I turn 37 weeks. No big deal with that though. The ultrasound also showed my placenta is getting old, which means it's about to quit working and kick the baby out. As long as fluid levels stay ok I won't need to be induced but if i notice less movements then I will need to go to the hospital and get checked out.

Progress! Baby! Wheeee!

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