Kid's Christmas Wish List

  • Caleb - Baseball Cap, Elmo/Curious George DVDs, 8.5 XW tennis shoes, Graco Nautilus carseat
  • Carly - 12 month onesies/basic shirts, black Mary Jane shoes (6-12month), Britax Marathon car seat cover
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

NOT mommy of the year award

I missed that one by a mile!!

Today I was finishing up the last bit of laundry, trying to get all of Greg's shirts hung and such, and Caleb toddled off behind his walker. I only had a couple more shirts to do so I let him go. It was literally 20 seconds or less. I got suspicious when his wheels stopped rolling so I went to see where he was, and to make sure he wasn't drinking dish soap (his favorite cabinet to get in to) and to my surprise and dismay, the child was eating.... are you ready for this..... DOG POOP!!! I FREAKED out!! I thought he only had it in his hand, so I removed him and kicked the dog and cleaned up the poo, then I went back to check on Caleb and he was just grinning and smacking... so I did the finger sweep and cleaned out a cheek full of it! I almost lost my own lunch.... and the worst thing was his breath smelled like dog poo!!! Ugh that is worse than diarrhea, puke and spit up!!!

I called Greg to tell him what his son had done, and of course he thought I was joking.. Oh I wish I was... I squirted water in his mouth to try to get him to rinse and spit, he swallowed it, so I gave him his sippy cup to wash it down and out... he ended up spiting up on me... and that smelled like dog poo so I changed his clothes and my shirt and his high chair cover.. (the temporary parking place while I figured out what to do) After drinking enough water I guess he washed it all down and his breath smells better... that is just so gross.

I can't believe it. It was only 20 seconds!! I am so mad at the stupid dog too. WHY did she have to poop in my house???

I think I'm going to barbeque a chihuahua tonight.. anyone want?

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