Kid's Christmas Wish List

  • Caleb - Baseball Cap, Elmo/Curious George DVDs, 8.5 XW tennis shoes, Graco Nautilus carseat
  • Carly - 12 month onesies/basic shirts, black Mary Jane shoes (6-12month), Britax Marathon car seat cover
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, July 25, 2008

I blame Huggies

for delayed potty training! Caleb loves balloons, and there are balloons on his Huggies, therefore he loves his "boon duppers." Besides the fact that he just isn't quite ready for the potty, it doesn't help that he looks forward to his next "boon dupper." Gahhhhhhh...

Carly is a wee little thing. Her six month stats are: 13 lbs 12 oz and 25 inches. Compared to 4 months, when she was 12 lbs and 24 inches, she hasn't grown much! Doc says she looks great though, so we are not worried. She is just tiny!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Wow, she is tiny!! Cute!

Thomas is 2 months old and 13 lbs 9oz, 23 inches long. He's going to be a big guy though. He has huge feet already. Everyone thinks he's older because of his size. I just knew I was going to burst when pregnant with him- he felt huge then too.

Hmmm, that is a tough problem with Caleb. I put Philip in pull ups and told him BABY's wear diapers and he was a big boy. He became anti diaper on his own since big boys could do XYZ and babies couldn't. He liked using pull ups then one day told me that pull ups were for babies and he was so upset he couldn't wear his underware (which had characters on them that HE liked and picked out- mostly spiderman). He even wore his underware backwards so he could see the cartoon picture. Anyways, he did a few accidents and each time he did he HAD to wear a pull up to bed and he hated that. It actually didn't take long to potty train him or get him to stop peeing at night. It's so NICE to not have to deal with that at all. He goes, washes his hands and we don't have to monitor it. Big boy! We had him trained by the end of his 3s.

Someone told me to use M&Ms or a treat but we never tried that since he wanted to be a big boy so bad.. but I heard that works too.