Kid's Christmas Wish List

  • Caleb - Baseball Cap, Elmo/Curious George DVDs, 8.5 XW tennis shoes, Graco Nautilus carseat
  • Carly - 12 month onesies/basic shirts, black Mary Jane shoes (6-12month), Britax Marathon car seat cover
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

just stuff

i am trying to keep up with this stuff myself, so why not write it down.

Total weight gain at 28 week appt: 15. about 5 under "normal" but everyone knows I"m not normal.

no ill effects from the flu shots. Praise the Lord! I was nervous about it myself.

Caleb's paci is gone! Last tuesday, a week ago yesterday, they all mysteriously disappeared when he went to school. He has asked for it a few times and was looking for it when he got up yesterday, but he understnads when I tell him, "You are a big boy now, and big boys don't have pacis." Amazing!

Baby girl's favorite position is diagonal. Not sure if there is a medical term for that, but her head is in my right side ribs, butt sitting on my right hip area, and legs out across and tickling my intestines on the left. Not ideal and very strange-feeling. Turn baby turn!!

Caleb's favorite "word" of the week: dubadubadubaduba. I think that's a developmental language stage becauuse I have noticed several kids in my class doing that same exact thing. It's really funny and cute sounding. Imagine saying it with your tongue sticking out. That's how he does it.

battery almost dead, and I"m out of gas.

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